How to fix Crunchyroll app/Website not working ?
Crunchyroll has the largest collection of Anime and other manga and dorama. There are over million users of the website but recently many user are not able to access the Crunchyroll website as the website of crunchyroll seems to be down.
While opening the crunchyroll website ,nothing loads and show “An error has occurred.”. “We are sorry. A team of shinobi is working to bring your anime back. Thank you for your patience. ”
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Crunchyroll website not working |
The issue is of “Bad Gateway” and the error shown in “The web server reported a bad gateway error. ” on Crunchyroll app. And you will see a common error on PS4 unable to connect to crunchyroll".
The Website Crunchyroll is not working due to server issue and there is nothing a user can do to this except waiting for server issue to be fixed. There are reports that the app is now loading fine. So if you are not able to open Crunchyroll website then we recommend you to access the Crunchyroll from the app.
A lots of users in across the globe like in Australia, Newzealand, United kingdom are facing issue with Crunchyroll servers not responding. The issue is reported to Crunchyroll teams and hopefully the issue will be fixed soon.
Source: Shudtech
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