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Reverse System Image Super.img Extractor Free Download 2021

 Reverse System Image Super.img Extractor Free Download 2021 system Tools Free Download.Super.img Extractor By Gautam Kumar | Free Download.This is tool is just for unpacking
super.img file.Here Gautam Kumar presenting the Android super.img file unpacker. I wrote it purely in
Delphi.It supports both Normal Raw Files and Android Sparse Images file.

Reverse System Image Super.img Extractor Free Download 2021

Input File
Output File
Extract File
Extract Build.prop From System
Well, most users wouldn't. But if you need a quick tool to unpack Android images, this is useful. Think
of it as the inverse of mkbootimg (from the AOSP), coupled with simg2img (the sparse image
extractor). Another bonus feature it provides is unpacking the Linux bzimage kernels.
Compatibility: The tool runs perfectly on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows
8.1, and Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit).
Take a Backup: If you are willing to try the above tool, then please take a backup of your personal data
from your Android Smartphone or Tablet. As flashing any Firmware or recovery may brick the device.
Credits: Super.img Extractor is created and distributed by the developer. So, full credits go to the
developer for sharing the tool for free.
File Information:
Super.img Extractor
File Size:- 1 MB

Source: Android GSM

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